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78704 Austin
United States
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Joined: 04-Aug 02
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Last Seen: Fri 29 Apr 2005, 19:54
Local Time: Tue 3 Dec 2024, 02:47
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4 Jul 2003
Well it's time to start building my AU collection... anybody know of any sites with freeware AU's?
here's one to get things going: http://www.smartelectronix.com/~destroyfx/...audiounits.html
4 Jun 2003
If you have DP4 and Reason, can you use Reason as virtual instraments, and use the score feature of DP4? (in other words, use DP4 midi features, but have Reason channels instead of midi channels)
I've found that i've been avoiding the complex side of song writing, out of a pure hatred for the "piano roll"
29 Apr 2003
Was using OS 9 / DP3 / Reason 1.0 / Peak 3. Now, using audio software much less, looking for something on my OS X / Peak 3.1 / Reason 2.0 setup... don't want to spend the money to upgrade to 10.2, then to dp4, all i really need multi track for is aranging the tracks (i do most my work in Reason, but do record guitar and vox, both of which can be edited in Peak)
i'm thinking Bias Deck LE, unless i can find something cheaper (maybe shareware/freeware?) - any ideas?
3 Dec 2002
Just curious if anybody here does pro logic mixing, and what tools in OS X there are. So far I've been able to use MDA RoundPan and VBox (Peak) for just about everything, but some audio positioning and manual panner would be nice....
23 Sep 2002
I'm goint to be upgrading to the OS X version of DP when it arives, however to complete my OS X switch, i need something to play vst instraments. on OS 9 there's a cheap freeware program (ugly VSTi i think it's called) that does the job, anybody know of something like that on OS X?
-Chris |
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