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Musicians / Authors
Singer/songwriter formerly based in NYC
Gender Not Set
Born Feb 16, 1965
(59 years old)
33024 Hollywood
United States
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Joined: 01-Aug 02
Profile Views: 1,005*
Last Seen: Mon 19 Jan 2004, 00:29
Local Time: Sat 21 Dec 2024, 04:49
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Hi, I was a singer/songwriter whos voice was injured and lost my home due to 9/11. I saved my disability checks to get and purchased some equipment. I just would appreciate some opinions and/or suggestions on if I need anything else and how to go forward. I haven't used anything yet because I have no computer monitor or place to set it up yet. But I may get subsidized housing soon. Dual g5 1.5ram running panther m-audio 1010 (audio card) Microtech-gefell umt70s mic (similar to u87) Summit Audio 2ba-221 mic pre (can also be used as direct box, I believe) Logic Platinum (probably going to upgrade to the new Logic Pro) Roland XV 5080 module Mackie 1604 vlzpro mixer pcr80 keyboard controller microkorg spark xl 2.7 samson 65a nearfield studio monitors Acoustic guitar fender squier no computer monitor (i heard crt monitors create interference) Thank You for your help, Ian Sklar java script:emoticon(':o') songwriternyc@yahoo.com
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