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Technicians / Sound Engineers - Music
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RM1777 London
United Kingdom
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Joined: 14-Apr 05
Profile Views: 491*
Last Seen: Wed 12 Apr 2006, 22:13
Local Time: Fri 27 Dec 2024, 10:58
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When i first got Logic and my G5 they set everything up for me in the shop. I had some problems and had to reinstall Logic and ever since ive only been able to use access 4 Audio Tracks unless i use a template like '24 Track Recording'. Anyone know why this is...?
Ive had it for a while but never used it. I did try but didnt really get anywhere with it. Can someone explain what exactly it is because im abit confused. Is it anything like Peak or Soundforge (PC)? Would i be able to use it to record directly from Logic Pro 7 and then edit it ect...
Theres no help file or manual for it so i really dont know much about. Any help appreciated.
Im running Logic 7 with a MPC and Fantom X6. The problem is when i record the audio ouputs from the MPC or Fantom into and audio track in Logic im getting some timing problems. Some notes are intime but others are not. Is there anyway of correcting this?
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