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Musicians / Keyboard Players
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Born Jan 19, 1951
(74 years old)
38804 Tupelo
United States
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Joined: 14-Mar 05
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Last Seen: Mon 11 Jan 2010, 03:25
Local Time: Wed 5 Mar 2025, 14:26
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GBMidiXtractor is a free utility that can extract the Midi files from Apple Loops so they can be used on sequencers other than Garageband. This product is activated by purchasing another of the company's software products and using that serial number for GBMidiExtractor ... according to the "readme" text that downloads with the software.
However, now all www.dotpod.net products are free, so you cannot purchase a product from which to get a serial number.
Anybody familiar with this product and what's going on. They do not respond to e-mails.
Or anyone know how to extract MIDI files from Apple Loops aif files?
Thanks for your help. Mason
I using a Kurzweil ME-1 module. Drums are mapped for Kurzweil set-up. My sequences are all GM mapped.
I'm using Metro 5 in OS 9. It has a drum remap feature in the transposition window, however you can't save the remap changes, which means for every sequence I would need to input a long string of confusing remap notes.
Any suggestions?
Thanks, mason
I've used MIDI sequences with a live band for many years. Generally my set-up has included an old mac laptop running Metro (Sagan Technologies) plus hardware tone modules.
Question: What's involved in using a Mac as a sound module (instruments). How powerful does the Mac need to be (speed, storage, processor)? In terms of instruments, my requirements are simply: bass, drums, keys, horns, strings, organs, pads, etc. Quick loading of songs is a must.
Any recommendations on compatible sequencing software and "instruments?"
If a little older technology will do, I'd like to avoid buying a new Mac.
Thanks, Mason
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