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Cali to Tex
Musicians / Producers
Highly motivated business man.
Gender Not Set
Born Dec 14, 1975
(48 years old)
75062 Irving
United States
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Joined: 09-Mar 05
Profile Views: 1,262*
Last Seen: Tue 22 Mar 2005, 21:01
Local Time: Thu 12 Dec 2024, 10:30
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I am a beginner and I am having probs with recording. I am picking up a lot of static with the vocals. In fact, the track itself is being recorded on the same channel as the vocals but I have the sound is going directly into the headphones during a recording. Can someone help please!!!!! I am exporting files from Reason and FL 5 Studio into Vegas or Cakewalk. I have tried both and there is still helluva static and distortion being recorded. My setup for the mixer is correct and I am running out of ideas. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!
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