Hi all
I have a new Mac G4 800 with half gig of ram and OS 9.2 standard build. My sound card is a Midiman Audiophile 2496.
I loaded Cubase 5.1 and it ran with no problems (not that I used it for long) until I loaded Halion. Both were "easy" installs. Halion loads up a default sound bank. Problem is, it keeps causing Cubase to crash with "error 2" what ever that is.
These packages came as one, ie Cubase 5.1 Edition, and as a result, I would be surprised if they didn't work well together.
After a couple of crashes, halion seems to be corrupted and can no longer load its samples.
I have reloaded the Base version if halion, ie no extra sounds, and it is more stable when being chosen from the VST Instuments menu, but crashes Cubase at various times after sound banks/Instruments have been loaded in.
Any Ideas?
Other info that might be relevant....
OMS is installed.
Also had problems with Lexmark printer causing system to slow down or stop, have removed Extention.
Have latest version of Toast installed, although I doubt that this would have any effect!