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78015 Fair Oaks Ranch
United States
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Joined: 11-Feb 05
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Last Seen: Sun 13 Feb 2005, 00:31
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Appleswitch.com doesen't have a GarageBand expert yet so we need some help, Post here or at: http://www.appleswitch.com/board/index.php...7&st=0#entry222 here's the question: Chuck: I am using a Suzuki electric piano to record in GB with a midi interface. When I chose grand piano and record, the volume recording is very low and when I play it back I can hardly hear it. There are a few software instruments that record louder but most are very low. I have increase the volume level to the max on the track and master track but not a lot of help. I have increase the volume in the sound section of systems preferences.
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