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Music Industry / Studios
Studio and live drummer, writer, producer, owner of ganttrax and part owner of insomnia studios
Gender Not Set
Born Sep 4, 1967
(57 years old)
37203 Nashville
United States
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Joined: 08-Feb 05
Profile Views: 2,267*
Last Seen: Sun 15 May 2005, 06:14
Local Time: Sat 14 Dec 2024, 21:59
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i am using the fireface as my interface unit. it sounds wonderful, but i could use some tips from someone out there that can get around one of these pretty well. i'm recording a vdrum kit and i'd like to use all midi tracks as oppsed to using audio tracks and i could also use some tips on pre-setting the firface for different midi set-ups. any midi junkies? please go easy on me as i am a drummer... no pun intended to the other drummers out there, i just so happen to be stereotypical in this regard. later, gantt http://www.ganttrax.com
forgive me, i am a drummer.... i;m using logic 7 with a g5 and i now am using a firface as my interface unit. it is wonderful but i could use some help with a few things, specifically the mixer which i have a billion questions about.
any one interested in talking about this with me? i'm all ears.
hello mac people,
i'm a drummer so cut me a little slack.... i'm having a problem with logic reversing the open and closed hi-hat on my vdrums.
any suggestions?
gantt kees
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