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Born May 10, 1973
(51 years old)
1150-091 Lisbon
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Joined: 03-Feb 05
Profile Views: 682*
Last Seen: Mon 21 Nov 2005, 14:36
Local Time: Mon 2 Dec 2024, 19:33
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i had to format my hard disck and install all my software. Everything was fine ultill i found that at the korgusernet www.korguser.net there's not enymore the version 1.1.3 for the korg legaccy collection only the 1.1.4 and now 1.1.5 and 6... i'm with Mac OS X 10.3.9 and my original software is a 1.0.0 version that not run on it. so i need the v1.1.3
what can i do? any help? i tryed to call korg in portugal but with no luck...
thank you,
nuno rosa
Hi There,
i'm using the moment logic Logic 7 on my powerbook g4 1.5 Ghz with mac osx 10.3.9 and 1.25gb of memory. but the truth is, that i'm having so many problems with performance of logic and the powerbook itself that i'm thinking to format the hard drive and intall tiger and logic 7.1... the question is... how can i do it in a safe way??? (not losing all my songs etc...) and can i use the logic audio security code again?... any good advise?
thank you for your help!
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