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DJ Sherpa
Musicians / Keyboard Players
Gender Not Set
Born May 15, 1982
(42 years old)
53072 Pewaukee
United States
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Joined: 30-Dec 04
Profile Views: 431*
Last Seen: Mon 24 Oct 2005, 02:18
Local Time: Wed 4 Dec 2024, 20:44
4 posts (0 per day)
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I have been playing my midi contoller with a powerbook, cubase and some vsts live but want to try and lower the PCU usage with something like V-stack. Are there any other options or is this the best way to go.
Hi, I did a search on google, and the help menu isn't working on my Cubase SX(ND) and I am getting some distortion out of my midi keyboard; I was wondering if it had something to do with my buffer time and how I change this.
Is there anyway to use pc based vsts on a mac, I was given a bunch of different Vsts from a friend, and don't know if I can install them.
Otherwise anyone no where I can get mac based versions of the EVB3 or Nat. Inst. B4?
Thanks for any help wadealters@yahoo.com
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