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JC pro
Musicians / Producers
Calling people back to their Hebraic Roots through the ministry of rap.
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76040 Euless
United States
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Joined: 28-Dec 04
Profile Views: 1,344*
Last Seen: Mon 11 Jun 2007, 05:26
Local Time: Tue 11 Mar 2025, 10:48
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Hi, I just purchased a MacBook Pro and wanted some advice on which sound card to get. i'm running Logic Pro 7 w/ a Focusrite Platinum VoiceMaster Pro pre amp. I Apogee makes some great stuff and so does MOTU. Not lookin' to go broke though. $300 - $500 U.S., maybe 6. All i really need is 2 mic inputs w/ 24-bit / sampling up to 192 kHz. Can you help me? Thanks.
Hi Everyone,
I need help with finding out why I have a delay in recording of audio (from E-MU MP-7) into M-Audio Omni i/o Delta 66 interface via MIDI (M-Audio 2X2 MIDIMAN). I've never had this problem before. However, over the past 8 months I've been using the "Audio Instruments " in Logic Pro 7 instead of external workstations. The audio seems to record 1/2 second late when played. Can someone please help.
Thanks for your time.
I'm trying to determine the reason the EXS24 Sampler is not loading some of the Sampler Instruments as well as some of the factory sounds. I'm using a 200GB LaCie External HD in addition to my main HD. Can someone help?
JC pro
Hello. I am running Logic Pro 6 on a Power Mac G4 (10.3.7) at 800Mhz. The problem I am having is: Whenever the timeline is playing through a "cross-fade" the instrument cuts in and out. However, if the Track (where the "cross-fade" is applied) is "soloed" then it plays perfectly. Can someone offer any advice? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, - curtis
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 Sat 7 Mar 2009, 11:16