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Musicians / Arrangers
Without music life would be a mistake
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Born April 27, 1983
(41 years old)
22620-290 Rio De Janeiro
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Joined: 23-Nov 04
Profile Views: 989*
Last Seen: Sat 27 May 2006, 15:18
Local Time: Sat 21 Dec 2024, 16:27
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On my last message I told how EVP73 failed AU Validation, and thank the good souls on this list (something that was very difficult to find in LUG, and very easy here) I was told that this is common design bug. Wow, what a relief! But now I need a good vintage synth, Rhodes, Wrulitzer etc..Anybody have any ideas?
Greetings from Brazil!
I've heard about a killer Wrulizter bank for Reason, does anybody know anything about this? Where do I get it?
Everytime i run AU manager it indicates 3 plug-ins that fail validation: ET1, EVP73 EXSP24 I've tried installing the updated version of the EVP73 (downloaded from MacMusic) but AU Manager only scans the 1.0 version. How do I make AU manager scan EVP73 updated version? The EVP73 1.1 installer apparently installs the software successfully, but actually nothing happens... Is anybody having a similar problem?
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