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43537 Maumee
United States
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Joined: 03-Nov 04
Profile Views: 420*
Last Seen: Sat 9 Apr 2005, 18:51
Local Time: Tue 18 Feb 2025, 02:43
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17 Feb 2005
I'm a student and I would like to get a computer for continuing DAW work and study, mostly electronic-type music (ie. no major band/live multi i/o recording.) My ultimate dream of course is to make something that sounds vaguely reminiscent of 'Pretty Hate Machine' era stuff, so would the G5 give me a noticeable advantage to this end? Is the PB fine for this (its portability would be really nice as a student! But I need a comp with some longevity [2-4 years] too!...)??

Sorry to make this too longwinded, so please feel free to skip the details of my situation if you like!
[...but (to explain) I am sitting on the fence between a 17"PB G4 and a PM G5 dual. I have sold all my former hardware in the hopes of using just a comp and a Virus, (possibly also a Micron or MC505) to make music, but is it stupid to think that the G5's power will be wasted for what I want to do? I have had terrible experiences with Reaktor so far so I don't want to use softsynths in OSX anyway, so would there really be that much of a reason to choose the G5DP over the G4, given the later's portability? Also, I may have access to a PTLE/G5 system for parts of the summer anyway for mastering/ect. though not during the school year so maybe that is a factor also.]

What do you think, for doing 'normal' work in Logic 6 is the Powerbook's performance noticeably laggy? Is it fine to record and sequence with a couple of hardware synths? What about the need for a secondary disk to record on, is that a problem (given I will probably get a FW Audio-interface?)? What about live performance, especially with Live4, is it 'up to par'? Experiences, opinions?!? I am going a bit crazy being unable to decide...
13 Feb 2005
I am debating between getting a PC for running Reaktor 4 vs getting a G5 dual, mainly because I am nervous about the performance difference I've experienced so far, (PCs have seemed to run many simultaneous instances just fine vs. my mac which can only handle 1 or 2.) So, how many instances can a typical user get running Reaktor 4 in Logic6 or a comperable host? Can I expect to run 8-9+ instances of Reaktor synths in a Logic project? Thanks, any links to preformance benchmarks would also be appreciated!
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Lo-Fi Version - Tue 18 Feb 2025, 03:43
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