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Musicians / ~Misc
Singer, GuitarPlaya, SongWriter, HomeRecordingStudio etc.
Gender Not Set
Born Mar 20, 1962
(62 years old)
93442 MorroBay
United States
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Joined: 29-Oct 04
Profile Views: 3,843*
Last Seen: Sun 10 Jun 2007, 05:26
Local Time: Sat 14 Dec 2024, 08:30
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I would like to be able to use BBE Sonic Maximizer Plug-in on my Intel-based MacPro. However it is currently for PPC only. Is BBE planning to make a Universal version anytime soon? I have sent them emails, but have gotton no-reply so-far. Thanx for any info!
I just loaded the latest driver and enabled the MBox in GarageBand but when I record Vocals, it plays-back way too fast! Any ideas? Thanx! andybosik@yahoo.com
Hi! I recently bought on of the recording gadgets for the ipod, but the sound quality sucked big-time! Is there any kind of pro quality recording interface for ipod yet? How about multiutrack recording on ipod?(I know that probably asking for the moon!) Thanx!
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