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W93EG London
United Kingdom
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Joined: 23-Oct 04
Profile Views: 165*
Last Seen: Wed 29 Mar 2006, 01:10
Local Time: Sun 15 Dec 2024, 22:55
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Hi, With a budget of between £10,000 - £12,000. Aside from sound proofing gear & a G5 mac what would you suggest I purchase/need to open a digital pro to semi pro studio? I own a korg trinity pro, motu 2408 mk2, motu midi express xt, shure sm58 a couple of guitars & a pair of mackie 624's. I wanted two sequencers, I was thinking of maybe DP5 when it's released & logic? Also been reading about soundcraft's 328xd and mackies' d8b mixers. They both sound pretty good on paper, but the d8b may be to complex for my 1st digi mixer-anyone used one of those? Anyway all suggestions are welcome.
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