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Musicians / Composers
I'm a songwriter trying to get my stuff recorded.
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Born May 24, 1960
(64 years old)
L1J8J5 Oshawa
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Joined: 21-Oct 04
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Last Seen: Sat 22 Jan 2011, 05:58
Local Time: Sun 1 Dec 2024, 12:13
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I want to set up a home studio and I'm not sure which software and sound card to buy. I have a G4 Quicksilver 733mh with 384 mb of ram. It's running OS X 10.1.5 right now and it seems that I will have to upgrade to either Jaguar or Panther. Will Mackie, MOTU, EMagic, CU Base or anything else work on my system? Basically I will only be recording vocals, acoustic and the occasional electric (one at a time). I know I need to get an extra hard drive too but I'm not sure what kind or speed I need. Any suggestion will be appreciate!
I want to set up a home studio and I'm not sure which software and sound card to buy. I have a G4 Quicksilver 733mh with 384 mb of ram. It's running OS X 10.1.5 right now and it seems that I will have to upgrade to either Jaguar or Panther. Will Mackie, MOTU, EMagic, CU Base or anything else work on my system? Basically I will only be recording vocals, acoustic and the occasional electric (one at a time). I know I need to get an extra hard drive too but I'm not sure what kind or speed I need. Any suggestion will be appreciate!
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