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Music Industry / ~Misc
Composer/Insrumentaiist/Screen Writter V.P. of Operations Kiowa Records & Filmworks
Gender Not Set
Born Nov 11, 1949
(75 years old)
91326-1607 Northridge
United States
Kiowa11 doesn't have a personal statement currently.
Joined: 14-Oct 04
Profile Views: 1,251*
Last Seen: Sun 17 Apr 2005, 15:32
Local Time: Sun 15 Dec 2024, 14:03
21 posts (0 per day)
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My Content
Good day all. HELP I have lyrics in Appleworks6 and want to move them to the desk top and then on to CDR. I can't drag them The file will just open and sit there on it's ass Is there a lock or something? I haave only had Appleworks6 on my G5 for a short time so somebody save me Standing by...
I just recently picked up a G4. i am running MOTU FreeStyle and the synth is a Korg O1/W. Is there anyone out ther in cyber vill that can hip me to what I have to do to burn a CD of the compositions I have using the above hard ware and soft ware? Kiowa11, standing by...
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