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lunar 1
Technicians / Sound Engineers - Film
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Born Nov 18, 1957
(67 years old)
93555 Ridgecrest
United States
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Joined: 08-Oct 04
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Local Time: Tue 4 Mar 2025, 22:01
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I am trying to record my Sax into Cubase SE. The route is this: From a Macki mixer, to an OMNI i/o, thrugh a Quattro Midi interface, Midied into a Roland SS88 keyboard Workstation, and on into Cubase in my Mac, useing OSX, Via USB from the Quattro. I can play Midi files thrugh this system out to the mains, But playing the keyboard or the Sax back into the Compuiter isn't working. I have checked all my settings over and over again. Midi thrugh, Local off, Midi soft thrugh, ETC. I have two Midi cables IE. IN and OUT. It seams that I have no Midi signal going back into the compuiter from the Quattro. The OMNI i/o is what I'm using for the Sax. Is this problem between the Quattro and the Compuiter? Or what? Your help would be great.
Hi, I am useing Cubase SE and trying to (export or save as) Midi files as wave or audio files. When I try to do this the option doesent come up. All I can save as is a Cubase file. Is this becaus Cubase SE is limited?
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