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A one key amateur with an ibook g4 1ghz interested mainly in Simultaneous Multi Vocals recording...please help me :-)
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Born April 5, 1973
(51 years old)
08035 Haddon Heights
United States
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Hey all,
Was wondering if there was any way to record 2 live tracks at the same time.
This is my current specs: iBook G4 1Ghz M-Audio Firewire 410 -Abletron Live 2.0 -GarageBand
I know on GB you can record to one track both mics, utilizing the left and right channel, respectively.
But, is there any possible way to have Track 1 record Mic 1 while at the same time have Track 2 record Mic 2?
If GB doesn't allow this, anyone know what software might? Logic?
Thanks in advance for all the help.
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