Hi, I am kinda new to what is available in the world of the Mac. I have ordered a new iMac G5 computer with 512MB of RAM and started looking at Garage Band. I wanted to talk to my uncle regarding things having to do with music as he used a Mac to create the songs for all his albums using Digital Performer (not sure of the version). However, I am looking at Garage Band and Logic as possible options, but I am not sure where to start, or what equipment I would need, or how it all works. I used to do music tracking on my old 486 PC in DOS with Impulse Tracker 2.14, and I am wanting to get back into music.
What do I need to know to head in the right direction? What do I need to use? What is the differences between programs like Garage Band, Digital Performer and Logic?
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.