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Technicians / Sound Engineers - Music
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Born June 30, 1979
(45 years old)
10036 New York
United States
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Joined: 02-Oct 04
Profile Views: 746*
Last Seen: Thu 9 Mar 2006, 10:08
Local Time: Mon 16 Dec 2024, 15:38
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I purchased Logic 6 platinum five weeks ago. You would think that if an upgrade came out within several weeks of the original purchase date, a free or heavily discounted update would be available. Think again. All must pay the upgrade no questions asked. I am pretty sure this is an Apple influence. Nonetheless, I hate you apple and logic. I barely make any money and spent my last dime to buy your brand new program. Why should it cost me $1300 to get the current software. Well anyway...Steve Jobs, I hope the ferrari you buy with all the money you ripped off from us poor recent logic 6 purchasers gets demolished by an apple truck.
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