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Musicians / Producers
Songwriter, Producer, Technophobe!!!!!!!!
Gender Not Set
Born Jan 1, 1921
(104 years old)
07040 Maplewood
United States
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Joined: 01-Oct 04
Profile Views: 2,870*
Last Seen: Wed 15 Feb 2006, 05:49
Local Time: Wed 5 Mar 2025, 11:48
11 posts (0 per day)
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 I have a Dual 1.8 G5 running DP.4.5 connected to a Yamaha Motif ES-8 via M-LAN ("psst it really works) I need help in routing recorded audio from DP 4.5 to a Yamaha Motif ES-8. The audio plays back fine on the Built-in-audio portion of my G-5, but I can't get any sound when trying to route it back to the ES-8 where it was originally recorded from. Help!!!!!!
I have a yamaha motif ES-8 connected to a G5 via mlan. All data connections seem fine. When I hit play for a song on the yamaha, and record on DP I get data in the DP Midi-monitor window but no data in the tracks window. I can also hear the music on my headphones from the yamaha . Nothing is being recorded to the hard drive. HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!
 Just got brand new home studio, Dual 1.8 G5 OSX 10.3.7, DP 4.5, YAMAHA MOTIF ES8 running on mlan 16e via firewire. I am a rank ameteur. Need info on doing bulk dump of song created on Yamaha Motif ES8 to DP 4.5 DAW. Help!!!!!!!
Has anyone had any problems connecting their Yanaha ES synths using the mlan16e firewire card to a G5? Any issues with DAW's? Thanx
When will DP4.5 (FULL VERSION NOT THE UPGRADE)hit the retailers?
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