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Joined: 23-Jun 04
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Last Seen: Tue 9 Nov 2004, 14:19
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I have recently imported a G5 from the USA and have been plugging it into a transformer to allow it to be connected to the British mains which is 240V. However, I have blown two transformers in the past two weeks, even though they are supposed to handle 200vA and would like to know if my G5 has auto power switching. I have had conflicting answers from Apple support and was wondering if anyone has had experience with this before?
I have found that using the built-in midi interface of the 1010LT causes audio to pop and crackle when trying to play Audio Instruments live. It seems to happen regardless of the buffer size and if I use my USB midisport midi interface instead, but have the audio still going to the 1010LT, the problem seems to vanish.
I have a friend with an identical computer and sound card and the problem is the same, so I doubt that I have a faulty card, which is what the people at M-audio were suggesting, rather I think that their drivers are to blame.
I have the latest drivers (1.1.7), which are only available on their German site, strangely. I am using it with Logic Pro 6.4.1, but the problem also occurs in GarageBand and Reason. It is a brand-new G5 compatible card and has behaved like this since day one.
System: Dual 1.8 G5, 1GB RAM, OSX 10.3.3
Has anyone else experienced this? I can't find many posts around the internet on it but there must be other people affected by it.
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