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Musicians / Guitarists

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Birthday Unknown
S60 2QL Rotherham
United Kingdom
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Joined: 20-Jun 04
Profile Views: 630*
Last Seen: Fri 5 Nov 2004, 14:32
Local Time: Wed 26 Feb 2025, 08:58
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1 Nov 2004
Hey all, eventually I would like to set up a studio in my bedroom, I already have an Apple iBook, Roland TD-6 electronic kit and a couple of guitars to hand. I have been looking to purchase a sound card, which i think my final choice, which is an M-Audio Firewire 410. I am also wishing to purchase a sampler, and I have been looking at the Roland 303 Dr Sample or 505. Will I be able to use the sampler in a software version for example importing sounds in Cubase or GarageBand or will the hardware sampler be much better. I will not be using anything for live work, just laying tracks down using the equipment above?

I am quite new to the whole technology side of things, and just need some advice on the setup above, I would want to make songs such as electronic/dance/acoustic. For example Lemon Jelly or Mr Scruff. Cheers!
11 Oct 2004
Can anyone reccomend a decent soundcard for recording a few acoustic guitars, vox, bass and an electronic kit? I'm a bit miffed as some say i would need a better card for acoustic work. Anyhow i have an Ibook 750MHZ with garage band and cubase sx, and would want to record each track individually. Cheers!
6 Oct 2004

I have a Roland Electonic Drum Kit and an Ibook 750MHZ, i would like to do some recording using the kit, couple of guitars, bass and vox. Any ideas on a decent sound card set up? I know its a bit vague but i would aslo like to rig it up to the hi fi, or speakers too.

I was recomended a digidesign m-box with pro tools, but i will be using cubase or reason and I have no need for Pro Tools, so that is out of the question really!

4 Oct 2004
Anyone had any joy with these? Is the card too good for just a electro drum kit, vox, bass and guitar? Or would any less expensive cards so the job? Card will be used on an Ibook 750mhz. cheers! huh.gif
20 Jun 2004
Hi, I am fairly new to home recording, and i would like to use a Roland VS-880 8 Track recorder with my iBook. It is understandable that I will need additional hardware for the inputs.

Could anyone recommend and particular hardware to use for this?

Thanks, Luke
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Lo-Fi Version - Wed 26 Feb 2025, 09:58
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