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3125 Melbourne
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Joined: 11-Jun 04
Profile Views: 164*
Last Seen: Mon 5 Jul 2004, 05:33
Local Time: Wed 18 Dec 2024, 07:42
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24 Jun 2004
Hi everyone, just stumbled across the site and thought some of you might be able to help. I am a student at school and am writing a piece to be played with the school orchestra in contemporary/rock style (the orchestral songs from silvchairs diorama is similar to the style i have in mind).
I play piano and guitar and have a good understanding of music theory but realise that there are many rules and conventions which must be followed by various instruments in the orchestra. I have some good ideas for the brass and strings section but i am unsure how to use the woodwind section. At the moment i am doubling the melodies playing on other instruments but I was wondering whether people could offer some suggestions on some things to try for the woodwind section. Eg what sort of lines/phrases, what combinations of instruments used together etc Any help or discussion will be greatly appreciated. Thanks and well done on a great forum. |
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