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Musicians / Composers
If you like Norah Jones, Yanni or Enya you'll like the music of Steven Cravis
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94134 San Francisco
United States
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Joined: 09-Jun 04
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Last Seen: Wed 10 Aug 2005, 21:11
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Hi, I'm very new here. I've been looking for an OMS patch list that I can put in the factory names folder within OMS on my Mac G4 (operating system 9.2.2)
I once created the list, emailed it to David at kurzweilmusicsystems.com but he no longer works there and since then my own drive crashed and I lost the OMS set up for this particular keyboard (the keyboard is KURZWEIL PC2X). The current KurzweilMusicSystems.com staff doesn't seem to have it either.
Does anyone have this OMS set up?
Thank you for your help or other suggestions.
Steven Cravis
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