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Born June 5, 1986
(38 years old)
H4A 2K9 Montreal
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Joined: 06-Jun 04
Profile Views: 757*
Last Seen: Sat 31 Jul 2004, 13:38
Local Time: Sat 14 Dec 2024, 04:54
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9 Jun 2004
Hey everyone,
Ok I know there have been alot of posts concerning both m-audio and tascam but I'm still wondering what everyone here thinks is the better product between the two. It seems theres always at least one person who has a problem no matter what the hardware, so its hard to judge from any standpoint, however, these two products fit my needs and price range so I was hoping someone could help me out. Thanks A Lot Kyle
6 Jun 2004
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if someone here could give some advice as to which descision I should make. My dilema is whether or not to purchase Reason(Educational Version) with Tascam US-122 or save my cash a little more and get Pro Tools LE(MBox). Obviously Pro Tools comes with a limited version of Reason as well as programs but I'm wondering about what is limited in these add-ons, especially Reason. I'm looking to plug my mic, bass, guitar and headphones without alternating cables like with my iMic at the moment . Thats the hardware front, and for the software, obviously sampling, drum machine, and synth, at least. So I figure Reason offers all of this along with the Tascam, but in the long run I was wondering if it was smarter to go with ProTools especially with all its plug-in programs and its professional quality. Also I've heard various problems with drivers with the MBox, also does anyone know if SampleTank 2 will be released with ProTools as a limited version? Thanks a lot Kyle |
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