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Technicians / Sound Engineers - Mastering
Clarinet student at the Oberlin Conservatory, mastering technician at Acoustik Musik.
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Born June 19, 1983
(41 years old)
94708 Berkeley
United States
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Joined: 04-Jun 04
Profile Views: 923*
Last Seen: Fri 11 Jun 2004, 07:22
Local Time: Wed 5 Mar 2025, 13:56
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Hi everyone,
I'm looking to buy the best soundcard or audio inteface on the market. The idea is to use that and my powerbook in place of a true audiophile CD player, like a Krell or Musical Fidelity. I'll be hooking the card/interface into a Rogue Audio tube preamp. I'm talking hard-core here. I'd be very glad to buy an entire audio interface, with mic preamps etc, if it meant that audiophile sound would come out of my laptop! I'm also a recording artist, so I could use something like that anyway. Any thoughts?
Also, is there any way to play SACD or DVD-A through a computer, using some sort of interface? Thanks, Oliver
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