I just recently bought an M-Audio Audiophile works great, until I plug it in and use it. :-/ For about one minute I was able to open the Sound panel in the System Preferences, or Intuem, Ableton, and GarageBand. All of a sudden, I couldn't open any of them while the box was turned on and attached to my system. It's installed properly, and works for Windows on my PC as far as I can tell. I am running it on a relatively new custom built iBook. Plenty of RAM, plenty of processing speed. I haven't had any other problems with it (excepting the fact that it won't install 10.3, but that's another story for another forum). I really don't want to go back to having a crappy iMic hooked to my computer until i find a solution. Help? Suggestions? I would like to think I am skilled at basic hardware and software installation, but maybe not...