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Masta Beat
Musicians / DJs
Self-Produced Digital And Traditional DJ
Gender Not Set
Born Nov 14, 1978
(46 years old)
08648 Princeton, NJ
United States
Masta Beat doesn't have a personal statement currently.
Joined: 24-Apr 04
Profile Views: 1,530*
Last Seen: Sat 8 Apr 2006, 23:32
Local Time: Wed 5 Mar 2025, 11:42
4 posts (0 per day)
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If anyone has a Roland Alpha Juno 2 and is willing to record every note on the keyboard please contact me by posting a reply, not a private message (Unless your willing to record every note in which case I don't how you contact me). I need the original audio from a RAJ2 for this. These files will either become a midi instrument or a vsti (Most likly both). Any help would be greatly appriciated.
What is the best FREE VSTi (Steinberg format) host application on macos x? Please reply with FREE applications not ones that cost money.
Hallor, I need to find a way to make a hoover instrument sound on my computer any software required is fine for me. For those of you who don't know what a hoover is, it sounds like this. Any help would be great. Also if anyone has JunoX2 could you tell me how much space it takes up.
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