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55405 Minneapolis
United States
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Joined: 23-Apr 04
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Last Seen: Mon 11 Jul 2005, 03:10
Local Time: Wed 5 Mar 2025, 11:27
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I need to replace my old 350 mhz G4 with a newer machine. I'll be working with a lot of processor intensive virtual synths in Cubase SX as well as linking to Reason through Rewire. Naturally, the dual 1.8/2.0 G5 is the best choice as far as processing power. However, I'm on a tight budget--real tight!--and right now, dual G4s run about a thousand dollars less than the G5s. I can certainly put that extra thousand to good use in other studio equipment. Is the Dual G4 enough processor for runnning, say, up to ten soft synths? How obsolete will that be in two years? Is it worth saving the money or going with a more modern machine?
Any advice is appreciated.
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