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Born April 8, 1980
(44 years old)
BN7 1BY Lewes
United Kingdom
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I’ve got a 400Mhz G4 Powerbook with a Radium 49 Midi Keyboard, running Panther, Logic 6.0, Traktor and Ableton Live. I’ve encountered a problem with the XSKey. If I use it in conjuction with my Radium 49 then the keyboard runs normally for a while but after a time my computer just stops receiving MIDI data. If I go to the Audio/MIDI setup program I’m told the Radium is not on line anymore.
I’m pretty sure the problem is with the XSKey because I’ve used Traktor and Live without the XSKey plugged in and the problem goes away. I’ve also borrowed my friends eMagic MT4 interface and the problem persists.
I’ve now using Logic 6.0 but this was a problem for me using Logic 5 also.
I’ve had a look round a few forums and can’t find anyone else with the same problem. Any ideas?
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