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Musicians / Guitarists
Worked in many bands uk/Fr. Studios, Fender at Brighton. Currently workin on the 6767.com, with help from D.Navarro.
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Born Dec 10, 1981
(43 years old)
34070 Montpellier
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Joined: 17-Apr 04
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Last Seen: Thu 3 Sep 2009, 10:05
Local Time: Thu 26 Dec 2024, 09:52
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Been using logic for several years now on G4, and powerbook, and now I'm also using an iMac G5(2Go ram).
My question is:
How come that in the little CPU window in logic the audio level, sometimes, is nearly full, whereas I'm only using about 800Mo Ram and I still have 1200Mo Ram available (shown by MenuMeters)??
This happens of course when I'm using lots of plugs/audioTracks/etc..which I understand. But why is it not taking full advantage of the 2Go of ram?
Used: LogicPro 6.4.
Thx in advance,
Je suis sur le point de reinstall la library IR de space designer sur le nu iMac, et jai une question:
Quel est le meilleur endroit pour installer cette library?
Sur le disk interne? (ds app support, par defaut) (ke l'ai installé à cet endroit sur le PowerBook, tt a tjr bien marché, ms serait encore mieux autre part que sur le HD interne?)
Ou sur mon HD externe? ( c'est mieux? pas de differences? ou c'est pire?) (LaCie Fw160)
Merci d'avance, FreAk*www.6767.com
heLLo u all,
Was about to reinstall the IR library cd of Space designer for the new iMac, and one question:
What's the best place for it to be installed?
On the internal HD? (in the app surpport, by default)
Or on an external HD? (would it make things easier? or no difference? or worse than on the internal?) (LaCie 160GoFW)
Thanx a lot
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