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Julio Ugliass
Musicians / Producers
Audio Engineer, producer, Nytola Music, ASCAP (Publishing), musician, composer.
Gender Not Set
98103 Seattle
United States
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Joined: 17-Apr 04
Profile Views: 354*
Last Seen: Tue 11 Oct 2005, 04:53
Local Time: Fri 20 Dec 2024, 01:06
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I just purchased Novation V-Station for Mac OS X DIgital Performer 4.12 (with Audio Ease VST Wrapper istalled) and can't authorize V-Station. When I installed V-Station, all the AU search and optimization ran, the Machine code, unlocking code boxes appeared as expected. However, before I went to the Novation site to get my unlocking code, I closed this window. Now, the window will not re-appear, V-Station doesn't show up in DP. I have repeatedly removed the V-Station components from the Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plu-Ins/Components and the V-Station1_1.pkg from the receipt folder, tried to re-install V-Station but still no luck. I can't find an uninstall. So, there must still be something still installed that I'm missing. In the old days w/OS 9 I could have trashed the preference and probably gotten a new authrized message. I've emailed novation, but no response. Anybody got ideas how to make this authorize happen? And, after I get it authorized, where does V-Station appear within DP? Is it a midi instrument, and instrument track, on an Aux buss? Thanks
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