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96814 Honolulu
United States
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Joined: 11-Mar 04
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Last Seen: Fri 8 Apr 2005, 02:59
Local Time: Sun 15 Dec 2024, 19:20
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Once again M-Audio comes out with a crap driver for the FW410, I am getting so sick of this. So I install the new driver thinking it is going to rectify the not able to wake up problem, first thing I do is open the panel check to see the driver number then go to load a saved set and as soon as the load button is pressed some crash notice comes up with a file location and some other stuff. So I go to open Grab to get a screen shot, switch back to the FW410 Panel using TAB+Command and as soon as I touch the screen I get an OS crash with the multi language white writing on a black background. I am so annoyed by M-Audio and the problems I have had with this product from day one, CDs that didn't work, crashed OSX multiple times, not working as advertised and shit driver after shit driver. I will try not buy any of their products again and I hope you don't either for your sake. Sorry to be so negative but it is too much already.
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