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Joined: 01-Mar 04
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Last Seen: Thu 3 Apr 2008, 15:26
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867 Dually running OS 10.2.8, ProTools LE 6.1.2 through an 001. The MIDI in/out on the 001 goes straight to a MOTU Midi TIme Piece to which my Nord (controller) and some outboard gear are connected. ProTools will see NO MIDI input when booted into OS-X. My Reason recieves MIDI signals fine under X, and ProTools 5 communicates great when booted into OS 9.2 but not X.
Because Reason works in X and PT LE works under 9, everything is obviously connected properly and this is a software issue between Apple's MIDI driver and ProTools 6.
Are there any 3rd party OS-X MIDI drivers available that might communicate with ProTools better? This is most frustrating, just another thing that keeps me booting into OS-9 when I should be looking to the future (hello, we're almost up to 10.4!).
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