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28806 Asheville
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Joined: 27-Feb 04
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Last Seen: Wed 28 Sep 2005, 22:20
Local Time: Wed 5 Mar 2025, 07:48
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28 Sep 2005
Hey folks. I've been using Logic for about a year with a Yamaha S80 and a MOTU fastlane interface and have been reasonably happy with that. I recently got a G4 Powerbook 1.5Ghz (OSX 10.4.2) and a Firebox so I could use Logic's power in live music situations.

Problem is I'm having trouble getting audio in and out of Logic through the FB to my powered speaker. (Midi seems fine both ways.) Tracks with recorded soft synths (and set for Output 1-2) play back through the internal speakers (though Output 1&2 is set in Sounds prefs to the FB).

Also, sounds prefs can see the keyboard (mic1) and a mic (mic2) and run the audio back through the FB to my destination speaker, but Logic can't see any audio input from the FB.

There seems to be some communications funkiness b/w the FB and the OS.

Something I'm missing here?


31 Mar 2005
Hey folks, I'm a frequent lurker, not usually confident enough to contribute much. Hopefully before too long....

I'm working on a song that uses several tracks for Logic's various internal synths (great fun!) and am about to add some Yamaha S80 voices to the mix.

I'm getting a mysterious control change entry that takes the volume on channel 1 down to "9" when I either press play or set the song position pointer. (I'm seeing this in the midi out monitor in my S80 environment). I'm chasing program changes and control changes, and if I remove chasing, this stops, so it must be finding the entry somewhere earlier in the song. But I've checked the events lists for ALL my tracks, and even changed all the tracks so that NOTHING is using channel 1, and when I press play or set that song position pointer, it still finds and sends this CC 1 7 9 msg.... Very spooky (and annoying!).

Any ideas where this could be coming from? Seems like Logic sends these control changes automatically, but I can't imagine why it would send a cc for a channel that isn't being used in the sequence. I even changed the default transmit channel on the S80 to 2, but nope....

btw, there are other cc msgs (all either volume or pan msgs) that get sent at the same time, but I've tracked (so to speak) the others down.

The REALLY annoying part is that I can't seem to override this volume "9" setting either. I've got the volume set in the track to 110 and upwards, and if I click on the channel/voice name in the left column, that volume setting takes over and I can hear the voice, but if I try to play or record, we're back to 9.

TIA for any ideas on this!


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