mc socrate
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Born June 14, 1961
(63 years old)
J1N3B4 Sherbrooke
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Joined: 03-Feb 04
Profile Views: 3,005*
Last Seen: Tue 22 Oct 2013, 17:53
Local Time: Sun 1 Dec 2024, 18:25
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28 Jun 2012
18 Jun 2012
5 Sep 2011
Je vous invite à jeter un coup d'oeil ici : Salut bien, Michel
8 Jun 2004
La fin de Bitheadz est annoncée sur ce message
sur la liste Mac Unity : Hello all, From what has been passed along to me, it is unfortunately true that BitHeadz has ceased activities as a business entity. The office has been vacated and the remaining employees laid off. Specific questions about Unity's future in terms of development, support and the like, I'm not in a position to answer. Carl may know more, he may not. In regards to those folks who need registrations and maybe a question or two answered (again, I'm not a position to offer much in the way of tech support so "How do I...?" questions are preferred), can email me directly. Just please keep in mind this is a 'on my own time, because I'm a Saint' kind of thing so if it takes me some time to respond, bear with. For me personally, it's a shame as Unity is and conitiues to be a fantastic and versatile (and great sounding) sampler and synth. I'm hoping Tiger won't throw things for a loop but we'll see. I suppose one 'up side' to things is, now Unity can probably qualify as 'vintage' now and Unity users won't have to worry about other people sounding like them . Ted |
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