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doktor spoor
Musicians / Bassists
Sculptor, bassplayer, audio visual artist
Gender Not Set
Born Oct 4, 1967
(57 years old)
W4 1TY Chiswick
United Kingdom
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Joined: 01-Feb 04
Profile Views: 833*
Last Seen: Sun 8 Feb 2004, 00:32
Local Time: Fri 27 Dec 2024, 15:48
2 posts (0 per day)
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My Content
Hi mac music, I have been looking for a simple program for years which will recognize an audio signal from a bass etc... and send an appropriate midi signal to an outboard synth or the internal sequencer. I know there have been for years midi interfaces for guitar and some complex environments like max msp, but all these are so expensive and far more than I need. Searches always throw up tons of cheap or shareware PC programs but none for OS X or Unix. Someone must have something somewhere.
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