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10038 New York
United States
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Joined: 28-Jan 04
Profile Views: 229*
Last Seen: Sun 8 Feb 2004, 20:41
Local Time: Sun 15 Dec 2024, 11:49
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So I just got this tascam interface for my computer. But the directions are mostly for PC and when they are for mac, they are for OS 9. I checked the website without much luck. I have all the drivers, but I can't get the input to work I guess. I changed the settings in control panel for input to be the tascam, as well as did it in Garageband (I figured that would be a nice simple program to try it out in, but I also have Logic). I can't get the input to work in Tascam's own application (which has a tuner in it) or in Garageband. Any help?? I hope I didn't pay all this money for an expensive rock... ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHH
I'm new to the forum, and to recording in general. I really want to get something that I can plug into my flatscreen iMac G4 that will allow me to record vox, guitar/bass, and possibly even drums directly into my computer. I also would like this to come with tools to record/master what I do. I went to Guitar center and asked them, and they suggested the M-audio firewire 410, and a friend of mine suggested to me the Digidesign Mbox. Do you all have any suggestions maybe? I have been looking at these two systems and am worried that the M-audio doesn't come with very a very complete editing/mixing/etc. software, but really like the amount of inputs and the fact that it already has a midi solution. Any thoughts, or other suggestions, PLEASE?!!?
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