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Technicians / Sound Designers
Mutlimedia SoundDesign, FilmScore, Producer
Gender Not Set
Born May 21, 1967
(57 years old)
76135 Karlsruhe
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Joined: 29-Dec 03
Profile Views: 1,124*
Last Seen: Mon 6 Mar 2006, 13:29
Local Time: Sun 15 Dec 2024, 16:55
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Hi there,
my Wave Plugins (Platinum bundle native) are loosing their settings after reloading a session. After clicking on a parameter, they "jump" to the defined position. I'm working with 24bit and 96khz on a Dual 2Ghz and OSX 10.3.9 with DP 4.61
Hi there,
i want to switch from Logic to Digital Performer and so i want to convert my EXS Library to a software sampler that can import the EXS-Files. How does the import of MachFive work? Can i open an existing EXS-Program or do i have to convert all my programs and Samples before i can use them? The EXS will find the samples for each program on the computer wherever they are. How is it with Machfive?
thanx for help!
Hi there,
i am a logic user since years. Now i have to do some surround work and logic can not deal with multichannel Audiofiles and still there are no surroundbusses to use real surround Plugins.
Does anybody know if apple is planning an update with these features? and if so when? and what about full Plugin Delaycompensation?
or is it better to buy Nuendo?
is there an insider out there?
Hi there,
i changed from Cubase to Logic 6 and also from halion to EXS. I'm working with OSX and audio Units and so i need to convert my halion-library (i used halion for more than 2 years) to the EXS24 MKII Format.
i don't want to buy Kontakt to do this. i just need something like a converter.
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