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12866 Saratoga Springs
United States
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Joined: 27-Dec 03
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Last Seen: Tue 25 Jan 2005, 23:50
Local Time: Sat 4 Jan 2025, 09:49
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22 Apr 2004
M-Audio and Apple have posted new FW drivers:
M-Audio link Apple link There are new drivers for a couple other M-Audio devices as well.
8 Apr 2004
...meaning that my computer is not recognizing the 410.
So here's the story: I received an M-Audio Firewire 410 today and jumped through hoop after hoop trying to get my G4 dual 1GHz MDD, 10.3.3 to recognize it with no friggin' luck. I called M-Audio support and they walked me through some steps. No go. They suggested I try another thing or two and no go. They suggested it might be a 10.3.3 issue which I had not heard of (or believe me, I would've stayed at 10.3.2 when I installed Panther for the first time yesterday). Anyhow, we hung up and I tried on a 10.2.8 computer and no luck, and on a friend's computer (also 10.3.3) and no luck. I conclude that it's the FW410 that is wonky, and not all three computers. Just to document my thoroughnesss, I uninstalled/reinstalled/repaired permissions with the latest driver at least 8 times on my computer, and 3 times each on the others. I tried different firewire ports, and 4 different firewire cables. I tried jiggling the connector (very lightly). No other FW devices hooked up. No PCI cards or other odd add-ons. Like I said, it's a clean and fresh Panther install. Nothing and nada. Bah. Now I have a call in to the vendor that I bought from (Digitraxx) to find out what the next step is. So, has anyone here seen anything like this, and oh, just maybe, have you got a solution? Or do I just need a new unit and start fresh? |
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