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Technicians / Sound Engineers - Music
Sound Designer Producer/Composer
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Born Nov 26, 1961
(63 years old)
400053 Mumbai
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Joined: 15-Dec 03
Profile Views: 1,209*
Last Seen: Wed 22 Jun 2005, 06:31
Local Time: Mon 16 Dec 2024, 22:28
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Just saw the Mackie Big Knob. Nice. Any opinions by users of pro/cons of Big Knob VS Presonus Central Station? Or any other such device for that matter. These seem great devices for people wthout mixers in a software mixing environment.
I know this might have been done to death but I would like to know user experiences in using PCI based audio interfaces, at least 8 in/8 out, good quality A/D till at least 24bit/96K, digital in/outs, headphones, and near-zero latency. Front end usage includes Logic, DP, Nuendo on the OSX. This card will be used in a G5, 2.5 dual processor machine. I already have an Apogee PSX100SE to do 2 track recordings but now would like to interface my Lex 300, 80 and Eventide 3500 to my software mixes.
is anyone using Virtual Guitarist Electric Edition successfully in Logic Pro 6.4.2 on OSX 10.3? There do not seem to be any patch fixes which work at the Steinberg site. Any help is welcome.
Thanks pahji
curious as to why Apple has not provided a way to directly scan photographs from any usb scanner into iPhoto? What is the way to scan photographs in panther (OSX) if manufactureres have not yet released drivers for older scanners ?
Does anyone know if M-Audio has released panther driver for Oxygen8 keyboard ? Just checked thier site and it shows up none available. The keystation drivers do say they support the Oxygen but it does not show up in DP4.1.1. Thanks
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