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Musicians / Guitarists

An amateur ready to record my first, 4-track demo on a mac.
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Birthday Unknown
60190 Winfield
United States
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Joined: 09-Dec 03
Profile Views: 474*
Last Seen: Wed 18 Feb 2009, 04:45
Local Time: Tue 18 Feb 2025, 05:00
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19 Mar 2005
Does any one know of a way to isolate vocals from a CD or vinyl source? For example, I want to hear only the rapper in the hip-hop song, and not the beats.

The following link explains how to do it with Cool Edit and Soundforge (PC software), but I haven't found a complement on the Mac side.

How to make A capellas

I'm assuming you could do it be a difference of the soundwaves. A soundwave anaylsis with just the beats, and then measure the difference with the vox and beats fromt he source. Or perhaps, messing with compression and a vocoder. But I don't see any software that does this on demand. Perhaps Csound ?

How do DJ's do it in the clubs? I know they use instrumental versions of songs, but how do tehy merge the vox so seemlessesly?

I'm using Cubase 1.06. on iBook G3 500, 576mb ram.

Any tips?
16 Jul 2004
There is an annoying clicking sound whenever I record my guitar though Audacity using my internal mic on my ibook. I thought this was a software specific issue, but it appears to keep happening when I use other programs, such as SoundEffects and Audirecorder.

The siily thing abou this clicking is that it doesn't necessarily happen when I'm overpowering the mic; it happens sometimes when I strum particular chords.

Does anyone have any tips on getting rid of these clicks when recording? Is there a dependable shareware application that has clean recording through the internal mic?

Thank you.
30 Apr 2004
Is anyone aware of a Mac OS X shareware app that can record the output of Absynth sounds? I'm currently using Absynth as a standalone softsynth. Absynth's recorder only allows me 10sec for recording. I want to be able to record the songs I produce without buying Cubase or Logic Audio. Again, is there a shareware app that records Absynth output?

Lycius Down
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Lo-Fi Version - Tue 18 Feb 2025, 06:00
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