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Musicians / Keyboard Players
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Born Mar 18, 1974
(50 years old)
SW8 2NP London
United Kingdom
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Joined: 03-Dec 03
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Last Seen: Tue 4 Mar 2008, 00:33
Local Time: Sun 15 Dec 2024, 10:55
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Help! My sexy new plug-in is stuck in the default preset bank! Having followed GMedia's installation procedure carefully, I can't open the other preset banks when I open the plug-in in Logic. I've put them in \applications\Logic\Plug-In Settings\ as instructed. I noticed that Emagic's own plug-ins use a .pst extension for their presets, while ImpOSCar's have a .aupreset extension. I tried changing their extensions and they did appear in the drop down menu, but selecting them made no difference to the patches available within the ImpOSCar - it just put the bank's name into the title bar. Is anyone else having this problem? Has anyone found a way to fix it? My French isn't too hot, but I think these guys are having the same problem: http://www.macmusic.org/agora/forums/?s=&l...652&hl=imposcarI WANT THOSE FAT SOUNDS!!! Will Harrison
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