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Born Nov 17, 1973
(51 years old)
60622 Chicago
United States
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Joined: 02-Dec 03
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Last Seen: Wed 3 Dec 2003, 22:58
Local Time: Wed 4 Dec 2024, 19:51
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I am running Digital Performer 4.11 for Panther on a Blue&White G3 (900mhz,1GB RAM), also using a MOTU 828 mkII.
Everything installed properly, and the firewire unit sends a signal to the software, and also to my monitors, so that seems fine.
The problem is that when I press the record button after enabling the desired tracks, the cursor turns into the swirling rainbow "thinking" symbol -- and stays there forever, never recording anything. Strangely, everything works fine with files I used weeks ago, but not on new files. I tried to re-install everything and the problem persists.
Also, I cannot open any files I have recently saved -- a message displaying "error - 103" appears.
Any advice? I haven't yet consulted MOTU support as I thought someone may have encountered the same problem.
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