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SE10AA London
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Joined: 01-Dec 03
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Last Seen: Mon 1 Dec 2003, 16:55
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I'm running a 15in powerbook G4 with a MOTU 828 mkii interface with Cubase SX - just setting it all up and I'm having problems sending the midi clock thru the first midi device which is an XL7 sequencer.
The midi clock works fine from the mac to the XL7 but from there none of the other midi devices attached to the XL7 seem to recieve it. I tried the set up with a PC and it worked fine, so it must be an issue either with the OS x midi set up (which I believe to be fine) or Cubase SX set up, sorry I'm new to OS x and Cubase SX so any suggestions would be most welcome as all the recordings on the Motu are drifting at the moment!
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