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22000 Virginia
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Joined: 01-Dec 03
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Last Seen: Tue 13 Nov 2007, 16:23
Local Time: Fri 20 Dec 2024, 17:02
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Hi, I have an protools Mbox with my 12" powerbook. I just ordered a fw drive to dedicate to audio (Lacie d2, 160 gigs) I am planning to use the fw drive for iMovie projects too and I was wondering if I should partition it to keep audio and video files separate or should i just leave it as it is?
I have a g4 powerbook 867 Mhz, 384 mb RAM, running 10.2.8. After some investigation, I've narrowed my choices down to two, for money, quality and reliability: getting an M-Audio Duo and Logic Audio Big Box or getting the Digidesign M-box. (roughly $500 for either) I'm wondering if there's any major differences between the two set-ups (hardware or software advantages, etc.) and also if anyone has any recommendations or warnings for me on my set up in general.
I'll be doing some recording with a mixer probably or just using the 2 inputs for mics, etc. I recognize the limitations of USB but I need good software more than inputs/outputs right now. Maybe I'll upgrade to FireWire sometime. Thanks for your advice!
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