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Musicians / Composers Aspiring Film ComposerPersonal Info
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Born Mar 22, 1972
(52 years old)
91505 Burbank
United States
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Joined: 01-Dec 03
Profile Views: 1,345*
Last Seen: Mon 8 Dec 2003, 03:09
Local Time: Sat 28 Dec 2024, 23:48
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1 Dec 2003
Mac G4 (OS9) Digi001 w/Pro Tools LE Kurzweil K2600xs Korg 01w/fd Problem: I have been using this set up minus the Korg for a couple years, and now I decided to dust off the korg and include it in the mix, but my basic midi theory is failing me. I want to use the K2600 on channels 1-8, and the Korg on 9-16, to avoid doubling up. I also want to use the k2600 as the controller for both synths. I know its possible, but something in my set up isn't right. Symptoms: I have the K2600 hooked as the Midi IN and the Korg as the THRU back to the digi001. Even with local control off on the Korg, it still responds on whatever channel the K2600 is using to send. I solved that by disabling channels 1-8 on the korg. however, when I select one of the Korg tracks in Pro Tools, set to anything from 9-16, I get midi reponse showing in Pro-Tools, but no audio. My instinct tells me this is because I also disabled channels 9-16 on the K2600, and it isn't passing through commands on those channels to the korg for that reason. If that is true, it means I have to ENABLE channels 9-16 on the korg during recording, and then DISABLE them during play back. That can't be the only solution... anyone have experience with this? Thanks in advance! Andrew G |
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