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Musicians / Composers
Film Director, Editor and music Composer
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Joined: 14-Nov 03
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Last Seen: Sun 12 Sep 2004, 10:42
Local Time: Wed 4 Dec 2024, 00:38
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Hi Need some advice and or directions on how to record the output from my Motu 828 mk2 as audio file into my Mac G5 (Dual 2 GB). Can I monitor only one output for mixing/mastering purposes(ie: Optical out of the G5 as I am doing 5.1 surround) rather than have to switch between monitoring 828 (stereo) and G5 (5.1) output. Any help would be appeciated greatly. Thanks
Hi All, Just joined due to sheer desperation - my Conundrum - i have connected the optical output of the 828 to the optical input of the G5 with the optical output of the G5 to logitech z-680 speakers. however i cannot monitor the 828's output except via the phones. Please any suggestions or ideas about solving this problem. My projection is to do 5.1 surround mixing with cubase sx 2.1. With the option of recording my outboard gear (samplers, modules etc) as an audio file back into cubase during the recording process. Thanks
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